Apr 2011

Project Status

Car to caravan interface test - check (mechanical & electrical) Caravan training - check Keys - check Driving lesson - check Car inspection - check Paper work - Done Packing - on the critical path

The transfer of the ownership of a caravan was the fun of the day. You need to do it at a post office. Of course the first one you go to tells you they can’t do it. So you need to find one with this capability. Then you need to prove where you live in the Netherlands, if you are a foreigner. Maybe this is a well meant security measure, but given the fact that it was not needed when I bought a car or even a house, it seems a bit exaggerated to me.


Last week, there was a tango festival in Brussels. I was there only for the Saturday, but early enough to pay a visit to the famous Atomium during this lovely sunny day. Of course I have seen pictures of it before, but somehow I was surprised to see how shiny it actually is.


And bigger than I imagined. It symbolizes an iron crystal rather than a single atom as the name might suggestWinking There is a restaurant at the top, but outside my budget limitations Sad But it is definitely worth to go inside and have a view over the city and there is of course an exhibition inside. It is about some history around the 1958 world exhibition and about the cosmos. I was a bit surprised to see this panel with the title „No big bang“. That reminds me a book that I read long time ago with the title „The big bang never happened“. But that book is 20 years old by now. I don’t know if there is an update.


And the tango festival was in a wonderful hall. The building looks so modern and boring from the outside. But as soon as you get inside, it is the complete opposite. Very beautiful. They had a Russian band this time. It was refreshingly different to hear some Russian tunes smuggled into the argentinian tango. 10 points for this place.

Bose Headphones

If you have seen me at work, you know that my noise canceling headphones are holy to me. And you know how terrible they looked like lately. Now I have finally received the ear cushions and they look as good as new! I am so happy! Not only that. I noticed also the noise canceling effect got also much better. Obviously a fixed distance to the ear is pre calculated in it’s design.

Restaurant in a plane

On my way back home, I stopped again in Hannover. This time we went to this restaurant in a plane. I must say, the food was exactly my taste! They had more Greek food and of course Schnitzel. Yummy tomato soup, garlic bread and of course tomato juice! After the Netherlands and Denmark, for a good price too.
The kitchen and the toilets are outside the plane, so that they have more room for the tables. I can’t remember candle lights though. Maybe because of the fire hazard? Winking
Here is the link: http://www.restaurant-silbervogel.de/

Århus, Denmark

Just visited good friends in this university town. It is the second biggest city of Denmark and half of it belongs to the university. So, you can imagine that it is a big time student city.

I must say, Århus has quite a nice sandy beach. Too bad that it is rather cold so far in the North. I wonder how warm it gets in the summer. In any case, warm enough so that people do swim.

I learned that it is more custom in Denmark that friends visit each other more at their apartments rather than going out to pubs all the time. That is quite inline with my Turkish background, although I am so much used to the German / Dutch way of going out very often.

Århus has an open air museum called the old town. It is not a natural historic city, but a museum. Nobody lives there. They just physically moved beautiful houses from all over Denmark to this spot. You can enter them and see all sorts of professions from the pharmacy to the tailor. As fascinating as this is, they have also a „modern town“. That is around the 80s. You can see a HIFI shop with old tapes and records from Beatles, Abba etc. Very charming.

I have also been to the student house for a tango evening on Sunday. That was more modern music. Technically, I would say they are in the building up phase, but friendly people. I enjoyed my time. That reminds me Darmstadt. By the time I left, there was a very small group. A few years later it was flourishing so much that there was even more tango there than in Cologne.
The posh cafe in the city centre with all classical tango music was the other week. Maybe next time.


Little Mermaid Part II

My apologies to the little Mermaid: Too bad that I didn’t know that she has a sad story...
I later found out that I have most likely also missed the exact spot. I relied too much on Google Maps... So probably she is back from Shanghai and I missed her. See you next time.